Jul 13, 20211 min

Fintech Magazine Features MSUFCU + Pocketnest

Updated: May 6, 2022

MSU Federal Credit Union highlights partnership with Pocketnest in Fintech Magazine feature

What do Fintech Magazine, MSU Federal Credit Union and Pocketnest have in common? Well, their love for all things fintech and innovation, of course. But, also—Fintech Magazine's recent feature article about MSU Federal Credit Union's innovation lab, which includes yours truly.

MSU Federal Credit Union engaged Pocketnest in 2020 to be a part of its Innovation Lab, where a subset of MSU Federal Credit Union members had access to the financial wellness platform. The Lab at MSUFCU has a mission of accelerating innovation, together with forward-thinking tech like Pocketnest.

Directly from the MSUFCU website, "The Lab at MSUFCU is a center for innovation that brings agility, collaboration, drive, and innovation together to turn ideas into advanced financial technologies. [It] was established to identify, create, and execute opportunities for innovation at the credit union. By devoting resources to cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset, collaborative ideas can be generated that lead to pilots and new technology, products and services for members and employees."

In this Fintech Magazine feature article, Ben Maxim delves into the credit union's strategy for brining fresh tech and innovation to members. As part of that strategy, he mentions the credit union's relationship with Pocketnest—which also includes an employee wellness rollout to credit union employees.

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