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Art of Allowance Podcast Features Pocketnest

Updated: Jul 11, 2024

Jessica Willis shares real-life tips to get started on your family's money-smart journey

Jessica Willis shares tips to getting started on your money-smart journey on Art of Allowance podcast

Are you worried about the quality of your family’s money-smart journey?

Tune into the Art of Allowance Podcast to hear from Jessica Willis, Pocketnest founder and CEO with 25 years of experience in wealth management. She shares tips to push you past your perfectionism paralysis when managing your money. Jessica founded and currently serves as the CEO of Pocketnest, a financial wellness platform licensed to financial institutions and designed by and for Gen Xers and Millennials.

Show Notes (Find what’s most interesting to you!)

  • A primer on Pocketnest [1:52]

  • Getting started on your money-smart journey matters more than getting it right. [3:13]

  • An intentional allowance helps move the locus of control from you to your kids. As a result, your kids likely will be more thoughtful about their purchases. [5:17]

  • What is Jessica most confident about in terms of her kids’ money smarts? [7:05]

  • The importance of comparison shopping and intentionality when it comes to spending [8:46]

  • What is Jessica most concerned about in terms of her kids’ money smarts? [9:48]

  • Since our kids pick up on our language, the money-smart journey gives us a chance to be better models. [15:13]

  • What is the biggest mistake Jessica sees other parents making? [16:54]

  • Don’t let the complexity of or your concerns about estate planning paralyze you from making sure it’s done. [18:43]

  • Jessica and I discuss the pain of budgeting and how we might think differently about it. [21:19]

  • What are the bedrock financial habits our kids need? [25:11]

  • Teaching our kids to compartmentalize their luxuries [27:03]

  • Who influenced Jessica’s smart money habits the most? [28:22]

  • Jessica’s earliest money memories [30:16]

  • What do being money-empowered and sleeping at night have in common? [32:22]

  • Time as the best investment [32:54]

  • Jessica’s money-smart advice [33:27]

  • Encouraging entrepreneurship (and dealing with its downfalls) [34:11]

  • How Jessica got her kids excited about investing [35:23]

  • Jessica’s money-smart message [39:27]

  • Jessica’s money-smart book recommendation [39:43]

  • Pocketnest on the web [41:25]

  • A Pocketnest plea [42:02]

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